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Secrets Of Massively Profitable Viral Marketing Online

Viral marketing has often been misunderstood as a new marketing term that has entered the fold. In truth, viral marketing has existed for a very long time. It is only recently that viral marketing has been modified to put to use on the Internet. In this article we are going to discuss what viral marketing truly is and what it can mean for your business. Viral marketing originated from the bible itself.

That's right. The bible's teachings have spread all across the world since it's inception. That is truly, viral marketing at it's very best, and you can't deny that it has worked! Viral marketing today is often done through the written word and over the Internet. Media spreads news very quickly nowadays, with all the technology around us. The biggest weapon in viral marketing is the ebook. If an ebook's content is superb, original, or funny, then it will get passed around.

It's 'virus' is spread is very rapidly. This is viral marketing at work. People will also start talking about the ebook in forums and chatrooms.

This is called word of mouth marketing, and it is very similar to viral marketing. More and more people come to know about the ebook, and start downloading it. This can all be done very quickly, sometimes in a matter of weeks. As you can probably tell by now, viral marketing is a strategy no marketer should do without! Start providing good content, and your business may just explode virally.

One of the best ways to promote an affiliate program is to create a viral report. A viral report is simply a report with a rebranding feature, that allows others to rebrand it with it with their name and website. This makes it seem as if the report is created by them, giving them an instant product to give away and build credibility. Some people who get their hands on your viral report may have huge mailing lists or websites with a large flow of traffic.

If they promote the report, it will be sent out to hundreds and perhaps thousands of readers. By having your affiliate link in your report, you could be making sales from nowhere! The way to create a viral report is simply by using a rebranding software. Some of them are free and some of them are not. Most of them work just as well for these purposes.

They allow others to rebrand the report quickly and easily. Give away the software together with the report (make sure to check the software's terms) to make it as easy as possible for others to rebrand it. After you create your viral report, you can distribute it through channels such as social bookmarking sites, through article directories, your own website and through forum marketing.

Do the initial promotion of the report, and once it gets into the hands of enough people, the promotion will happen by itself, even without your presence! This is a great way to earn affiliate income and build your brand name. Create a useful viral report that readers will want to read, and you have yourself a winner.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report: "Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!" Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone

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